St. Peter's

Evangelical Lutheran Church

Confirmation is all about growing in understanding and in faith—by God’s grace. It’s a time when individuals add their “yes” to the promises made by their parents/Godparents and sponsors at their baptism. St. Peter’s is committed to providing both educational and faith-affirming activities for students.


Along with regular Sunday worship attendance, mid week Lenten and Advent services, confirmands are required to participate in 40 hours of church service during their study. Some examples of this are VBS preparation and camp week, Christmas hamper packing, Sunday School extra events, or other events as outlined by Pastor and/or Diaconal Minister, plus one week-end retreat.


Confirmation is a time when individuals can truly become an integral part of church life. Confirmation usually begins at grade 7 and is a two year commitment, but can begin at any age.

© St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Winnipeg